the task was to start with two characters one of them is phoning the other to arrange a meeting to where a bomb will be planted and meet in G19 to blow up Long Road we wanted to make the storyboards so it would be to the best of our ability we wanted to make the storyboards easy to follow and we all wanted to agree on a storyline which we all agreed on which we think would produce a great story we used all the shot list and put them to good effect to make the conversation more powerful we shot film in different pattern so when we filmed we did the whole scene and then do the other and edit it so it would fit together in this film i was the camera man i made sure that film was done if the characters were in line and we at the best angle the editing was done by cutting most of film we made but it made the film look a lot better we cut out the clapperboard and the bits were i said cut. we wanted to shot the film outside were we can get a good idea of where the characters are and we wanted the background to be empty to show how important this meeting is to them. we wanted to show the other character indoors but hidden away so that no one could see were he was and to keep it quiet we didn't shot the film in a narrative sequence because we were gong edit it so it look like they were having a conversation. my contribution to the film was being the camera man and the clapperboard man as well my job was to film the sequence and to make sure the characters were in place and to get the camera angles just right i wanted to make sure we could get the best out of the characters so with most shots we hot more than once so we could chose the best one when it came to editing.
when we started editing the film the clapperboards helped us name the shot numbers and order the numbers the editing was not done in the order we shot we moved around the shots to make it fit into the sequence of events a rough cut is were you cut the clapperboard and the bits saying cut which made it seem better. cutting on movement is were you cut the film to were they start there actions and then cutting the end so it runs smoothly and not having a long pause at the end of the sequence i have learnt that you can film in two different locations and put it together in a film which works very well that if you edit the sequence to the right time