Thursday, 7 October 2010

find your tribe
the website is created by channel four by research agencies crowd DNA and voodoo this sites invites you to complete a quiz that can tell what time of youth group you belong to the questions ask you about music channels you like magazine what would you do if had a £1000 and how would you spent it. at the end of the quiz you are told what tribe you belong to there 26 different tribes that you can be placed in this was my result.

i took a test to show what youth tribe i belonged in my result was sports junkie which i think is correct i am always watching sports and always spend my money on new football kits or new cricket gear for myself i would say that i am not completly sports mad but this result would sum up me and its great way to know what type of youth group i belong to this was the comment i got for being a sports junkie and the video that shows what i am likely to do.

You are a Sports Junkie! Some losers might have interests like music, clothes, booze and friends, but that’s just what they are: losers. Sports junkies are WINNERS – they give 110%. They know you only win if you ditch your social life for a serious commitment to sport. Your ambition? To move out of your mum and dad’s house and into the gym permanently. Come on, it might happen.

in my classroom these were the results
1 clubber
2 townies
1 rahs
1 chavs
1 sports junkie
1 blinger
1 diyer
1 indie kid
1 skater
1 scene kid

these are the others that you can be
craft kids
pc world
street rats
boy racers
bhangra muffins
get paid crew
smart urban
indie scenestars

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