Friday, 8 April 2011
moviestorm session 13
now i had done the garageband i returned to the script as Craig was doing the moviestorm work we were discussing as we went along to how we could improve the work and we had meetings to show how we were going to work this i decided to finish the script and then we would work of that and that would be the main part of the whole story
moviestorm session 12
i had already downloaded the sound to garageband and now i had to play around the sound so it would fit in the sequence well such as making the car noise fit in with the car and stop when the cars pulls up outside the cafe so all these things i had to start getting around to the next sound i had was the cafe that was more straight forward i didn't have to edit much only the end so it would cut off when the courier leaves the scene the last part was the people walking down the street again that was simple but it was picking out the parts that sounded right for the sequence but that was done in no time
moviestorm session 11
this was the first session of moviestorm of which we could start are project Craig had already started so we had a head start in Moviestorm i started to make the soundtrack for the movie we wanted just to have background sound for the project because we felt that music might just not work with the film we were trying to make i knew that garageband didn't have car sounds so i knew i would have to look online for the right sounds but the problem was that some sites dont allow you to download for free so we had to look for the site that lets you download for free i found the right site called soundjay it was very useful as it had all the right sounds i was looking for i downloaded them and put the into garageband.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
moviestorm session 10
the task was to make a schedule for the rest of the Moviestorm project so we can see what we need to do in a session we wrote down are roles for the sessions so when it came to the lesson we know what we are meant to be doing in that session and when it should be finished to be moving into the next task in the sessions the roles are split between me and Craig so now we both know what we should be doing in the session and also when it should be done by. The Moviestrom is now moving along well now with the schedule in place and making it easier and not sitting around trying to figure out what we are meant to be doing in the session for the Moviestorm project.
moviestorm session 8 and 9
the task was to make the storyboard and shotlists with the nine key frames already done we now had to draw all the shots that will be used in the film and then some description about what is happening in the shots. Craig drew up the shots i wrote about the descriptions and then came up with all the camera shots that was going to be used in the film. the drawings show all the characters in the set and how its going to happen. with the storyboard done i went on to make the shotlists this is were you write done all the shot numbers and then put what type of camera angle is going to be used for that shot and then a description about the shot and how its going to work.![](
moviestorm session 6 and 7
the task was to create the 9 key frames grid for our film the task was to draw the nine most important parts of the film and then place on the grid so when people look at the film they can get a rough idea of what the film is about me and Craig had already had the script for the film so we quickly draw them. the drawings are very basic but they show the main story line of the film we drew the pictures with actions as well showing which way the character is looking or which way they are running so we made basic drawings but with good guidance into what is happing in one of the shots of the storyboard. the picture shows are nine key frames which
represents are film
Thursday, 31 March 2011
moviestorm session 4 and 5
in this session we were told to create the project proposal this is were you tell what the film is about and it is written in the past tense so that you are writing as though you have just finished the film and Summarises the story without any dialogue in the writing. the target audience had to be put down so that you can tell who the film will appeal to. and aimed at the next part is the roles within the film so we wrote down are pre-production roles such as production designer, character designer and screenplay writer. and film production director, camera director, editor, sound designer and title designer/credits designer. after the roles had been put down we had to list all the software and equipment we were going to use for the project such as the Moviestorm app, garageband and equipment that will be used when we record the sound for the speech.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
moviestorm session 2 and 3
the session was to start the pre-production report this was to create a word document about the characters to list all of the characters in the film and write and brief summary about them to get an idea about what the film characters are like. we then had to make a settings and location sheet to show were the locations are in the film and also give a description of the setting to show what the setting is about what's there, who is in the location, what's going to happen in the set so it can also help with the set designer who can work from the report to get a better idea of what the set is going to be about. and the last role is the screenplay writer this to create the dialogue for the film the script is written in pages and is also written in the movie type front to make it official the script will record everything that happens from the speechto the characters expression or when the scene of where there is no dialogue. this is when you describe what happens before the next conversation or saying and it gives the actor more understanding of how they emotes in thefilm so this is all vital in scripting.![](
moviestorm session 1
the first session was to get into are groups and start to get ideas of what the movie was about. Me and Craig are in a group and we started off by discussing what we were going to make in Moviestorm in the end we came up with an idea about a man who has to deliver a package but is being followed by a man called the gentleman who is out for revenge after The Boss who comes into the film later on. Follows the Courier to an alleyway were he integrators him until he tells him were the Boss is and then shots the Courier. He then starts his plan to kill the boss he goes into the building and then bribes him to let him through to the bosses room were he walks in and then starts an argument and then shots the boss and leaves the room and the film ends.
We also discussed the roles of what we would do in the film Craig would make the set, characters and camera I would be the director of the film the scripter and the soundtrack and main title cards for the film so Craig is making the film were i am making the parts that make the film possible
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
roulette film review
L2 GROUP 1: ROULETTE END SEQUENCE - STAGE 1 from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
this is the final video of our film and this is what i think about the film about what went well and want went bad the whole video was a big success from the start all the others in the group thought it there was a lot of strong points to the film and there some points were some parts of the film can be improved the strengths of the films was the black and white background which most people it really made the film tense also the point of view of the camera when we spun the camera around as you could see yourself as the gun the blood effect of when i get shot people said that it really made it more believable when they saw it, the overall effeteness of the Russian Roulette as how we all played are part we really showed that we could play the part well and show we can make the audience understand what was going on and finally the dialogue most people said was really strong and gave a clear understanding of what was happing in the film and really gripped the audience as they were trying to find out who would survive and what would happen to the other victim.
the areas for improvement were factual errors such as the gun actually not being a revolver but just a normal gun and people that would be a big it down for the film, another one was the varied camera angles most people thought they were to far away and you could see to much of the background. and the audio gaps ned to be filled in there are still some audio gaps but they have been hard to find the right piece of music or sound effect to fit the the audio gap and then hearing some glitches but apart from them little set backs we are very optimistic that we can edit those and then finish with the credits and the snatch type ending sequence which we re planning to complete for the final stage of the project of the film where we add the title, end sequence and the part were we film are selfs and then kind of design the background to really understand who is which character and really get the audience attention and not finding out who is everyone real name in the film and then the audience can then understand who the characters are, and what they're for
Monday, 24 January 2011
filming session 18
we have now finished the whole film project we are now just looking at the film just in case we have missed anything in the film the we have all agreed that the film was a big success better than we thought and the editing has worked perfectly for us and we even changed the film into black and white so it makes it look like CCTV and really get the idea that you are there with us and really feel the emotion that is with us and we hope that the audience will enjoy the film and understand what the idea is of the film i feel that i have put my best ability into the film and for my group so that we can achieve the best possible grade we can get for this film.
filming session 17
the process of the L-shape edits we knew was going to crucial if are film was going to be convincing for the audience to view and understand so the main idea was to make sure there was no sound difference when each sound clip started it doesn't have a different background noise otherwise it sounds like that we haven't put any effort into making the sound the same and then not putting people listing to the sound when it will be played in the room and the picturehouse in the future we have completed the process and now it is looking through just to see if there is any glitches in the film and sound errors so that will be worth listening for in the film just so we haven't missed anything
filming session 16
the session returned to fitting the music from which the last piece came from which we found out did not sound right when played on a better sound so this set us back a bit but we quickly came up with a new music to fit there and then placing it from where the other left of we have now finally got the music to fit into the right place and now the filming was complete and now the main focus was L-shaped edits which was to level every single sequence so there wasn't a a big sound difference or the background noise would not just suddenly change once the next sequence was about to begin. this will take us time but this is the most important part of the whole filming editing part which we have spent a week doing.
filming session 15
in this session i revisited garageband after finding one part of the soundtrack sounded crackly and stretchy when it was played loud so this was a big set back for us and i knew that i had to make a new sound to fit the music but looking in the soundtracks that sounded the same as the one that had been used but unfortunately there wasn't a soundtrack that wasn't fitting so we all decided to use the sound at the end and then use it as i thought this was the best music that fit the part and still create the suspense in the film so it took a while to figure this out but we all agreed that this was the best option for the film if we still want to create the suspense in the film so then i uploaded to final cut and now will start to edit around the music so that it will fit and work well with the film so that i can help are group achieve the best possible film
filming session 14
in this session i had now moved my project to the film and now it was my time to start the editing process for the film i had to move the music into the position into were i wanted it and then see if it would time well and fit in with the film after playing with the film i finally got the music into the right place and now works really well with the film and now it i am still continuing with the process just to make sure there is no sound glitches in the sound and then after listening to one of them i had a big kind of stretchy sound which i found would sound awful for the film and then set out to find a new sound track that didn't sound bad when it was played loud.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
filming session 13
today i had a look back at the track and thought there were some parts were i thought it just didn't have the right beat to it and spent most of the time trying to look for the right one it was hard but i now feel i have got the soundtrack done to how i want it the music is now very in line with the film and i hope when it comes to the editing that it should fit in with the film but i would like to move songs around so it fits the song is not in order but i want to move it round when i upload it to the film so this get me involved with the editing because i want my group to agree where we want it but i would like to have a say in where it should go. in this i wanted to discuss about how we did the scene were i shot myself and the blood comes out the way how we did that was we got two bottles one washing up bottle and a spray bottle and we tested to see what looked better and the washing up bottle came out a lot better so we decided to stick with that and now see if the bottle would work with the camera so we had Steve behind me and out of shot so when i pulled the trigger Steve would squirt out a bit of blood there were the odd shot were steve arm would be there or bottle shows up or either i didn't go down in time or there was a delay on the bottle firing then we see how it went at first we felt it wasn't working but after a while we had a break though and we had a rhythm going and finally we had the perfect shot and we are using it for the film and it looks very convincing.![](
these were the bottles we used in the film and one on the right is the one we used for the blood splat. it took a few times to get it right but as we kept going it worked perfectly when we finally got a rhythm of how we were doing it put the way we had done it on the film makes it very convincing as we were thinking that it might not work when it came to editing but we looked at it and now we really feel that it is a big part of the whole film when we show the film to everyone at the class.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
filming session 12
in this session i had a look at my soundtrack gain i decided to edit a part of the soundtrack as i thought it doesn't seem to fit with the type of suspense music so i had play around with it and then i found what i was looking for and added it in to the music and now i feel i have got the soundtrack i wanted from the start so for that i now want to put it in the editing and see how i can work round the film to See where i want to put the sound and when to start as well so if i need to change any of the music i can go back and then put it back into the film the next session i will start to help out with the editing and maybe getting some ideas of when i want to bring the new music into the film
this is new update version of the soundtrack so that i can add to the film![](
filming session 11
we have now put all the clips in the movie into final cut and now trying to see were to cut and were to place the film this is were now we are on the finishing straight now we must get the editing done by the end of the week but i feel that we can do the process by the end of the week i have complete the music so now i want now to get the music together with the film and then we can all agree with were we want to put the music to were we want it and were it would work well with the film ![](
this is the finished music project this i hope will work very well with the film and help the group very well. also a picture of the work being done to show how i have completed the work for the film project
filming session 10
the session was just more editing for the film and i continued with the soundtrack for the film i have almost completed the track so i hope i will finish the soundtrack by the next session so that for the film i can put it together and then start place around the film so it will fit and really make the action-thriller film more dramatic and tense for the audience i feel that maybe there are parts of the soundtrack which i feel might not work so maybe there is a possibility were i may have to go back and edit the soundtrack to see if the music really fits in well i want my soundtrack to really stand out and really capture the imagination of the peoples minds so that i works so well with the film not just for me but for my group so we can achieve the highest grade possible for us and hopefully we will work well for the rest of the course and help us boost are confidence within us.![](
filming session 9
we decided to shot a few more scenes so we could see if they were any better and then add them later on we wanted to continue from were we left off from session 7 were re filmed some scenes and some new parts which we came up with which would help with the film more presentable for the audience to watch the film we all felt that the scenes we re shot were brilliant and will stand out so much more than are original idea we first had i did most of the filming as the parts were all Craig and Tom parts so it was my tim eon the camera the whole project was a huge success better than i expected and i hope when coming to editing the whole film it will look very well presentable for the audience to watch
filming session 8
we had now finished the film and now came to the part to see if the blood sequence showed up or not and when we looked at it it came out perfectly and now we have a shot to show what happened when i got shot and make it more convincing for the audience to watch Craig has started the editing process with Tom helping out with looking and the videos and to say which ones we are going to use and then transferring it from the laptop to the big mac to see the videos on a much larger screen and to help with the editing i am continuing with the soundtrack which i feel is coming along very well and would like to have the film on there so i can see where i want to fit the soundtrack to.![](
Friday, 14 January 2011
filming session 7
we started filming the new sequence of which we wanted to film to see if we could make the film look more presentable for the audience to watch as i said in the last blog post the idea of putting the camera as the gun and then spinning it round to make it look like the gun worked perfectly for the film and now is going straight into editing we also triedputting the camera where me and Craig were sitting and then speaking directly into the camera so you can see the effect of the characters in the film. we also tried a match on action shot of when the gun slides across the floor and that made it more dramatic to show that he going to chase the victim and then shot him causing tension in the film which we thought worked very well in the editing so we felt that the reshoot worked better than we thought and now hope to continue this in the editing.
filming session 6
today we continued the editing and i also continued on the soundtrack we had finally finished the editing process but we finished it and looked back at it we came with new ideas to use to make some shots look more effective for the viewer and also to understand how the characters are feeling so we decided to film in the next session to see if they are better ideas on of the ideas are to put the camera where the gun is and spin it round so you can see where the gun is going to finish we all agreed that the shots would look very effective for the viewer to see. but the process today was to continue editing so we could be ahead of the editing and then think about what we wanted to do when we started filming in the next session for the film
Thursday, 13 January 2011
film session 5
today we started the editing process and i have almost completed the soundtrack we have done the editing but we have now come up with new ideas that can make the film even better and new camera angles which we all feel will make the action-thriller film a lot better and more dramatic and convincing for the viewer to see and also to see if it will work so that is a big turning point in the film one of the ideas is to put the camera on the gun and spin it round as though you are looking though the gun itself waiting for the next victim. very Hitchcock like camera angle so that we thought this was a great idea. the plan is to now film the parts were we think we can make a lot of difference and also we are going to have me being shot and then blood will come out to make it more convincing for the viewer to see and how he died so that was an idea of what we wanted to do. i have started the soundtrack i want to go for a real tense music to keep the suspense in the film so it make the film more appeal
this is the soundtrack so far i have created so far which i think will fit in well with the film project and create the suspense
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
filming lesson 4
today we finished the rest of the film and we have even started the editing process as well we started were we left of by finishing the rest of the film that we couldn't get round to so that was good to finish the film we all thought as a group that the film will look very good and we all have worked to the best we possibly can in the film. we have now transfer the film into final cut and now we are editing and i am starting the soundtrack for the film which hope will work very well with the film i am finding it hard to find music that can fit into are film its hard to find the right music that can be played in the film. but we are ahead of the task so we do have time to think about we are doing and come to a decision into what we want for the film and finally all agree into what we want tomorrow we are still continuing into what we are doing but we are almost close to finishing the whole thing and then looking at it and then show it and the film project will be completed
filming lesson 3
today we started are film in the cleaner room and did almost finished the film. the film is based about two men are captured by a psycho and forces them to play Russian roulette with each other until the fatal moment when victim 2 is shot and is dead. victim 1 is shocked and then gets a bigger surprise when the psycho points the gun at him and then quickly attacks the psycho and the gun skates along the room and then the victim 1 escapes down the stairs and then psycho follows suit it continues until the psycho hears a noise and presumes that it is the victim but the victim comes up behind and him and shots him down dead. we wanted to make the cleaner rooms look very persuasive to the viewer who was watching this. we thought how we were going to film the shot and how we were going to do it we tried a lot of practice runs so we made sure that we were in shot and see if it would work well in the film so that helped us as well to get an idea of how we were going to shot the film we felt the shots we filmed worked very well and we also thought that it was going to work well minus the odd slip up or we weren't ready for but we felt the day worked really well and we hope that it continues tomorrow were we hope to finish the whole film and even start editing.![](
the picture shows are roles we all did a bit of filming but in general we were in character getting ready to film we all feel that we should all have a go and playing a character and filming and directing so we can all get the feel of what its like to do it so it will help us when we do are next film to shoot
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
health and safety
the room we are filming in is the cleaner room but it does come with health and safety like the equipment around the room which can be dangerous if used inappropriately for example there are chemicals around the room which can be very very dangerous if we were to split it. also there hovers which can trip people up there are tables and chairs in the room there are all dangers but they can be prevented from happening if people can follow the health and safety guides then this can be all prevented if people can be aware of what items are around them so look for loose wires or big pipes so you don't fall over and brake a limb. the health and safety we will always start with before filming so we don't discover it later when someone has done something to themselves so the health and safety is very important to maintain a safer surroundings.
to do this we devised a health and safety sheet to show what are the dangers in the room and how they can be resolved in the room and make sure we all know the dangers in the room and know where the fire exits are and if in the case of a fire then we are not going to use the lift as this is very dangerous idea and to use the fire exit in the room below and go across the roof and go down the stairs. these are all important these measures are and to make sure that we all check that the area is safe and secure to film in.
the room of were we are filming and how we check the areas so we don't endanger ourselves in the filming
Monday, 10 January 2011
review of first day of filming
today we started our time schedule to see when we will start filming and what time we need to be there we also discussed what are roles wee for the film who was going to be on camera who's going to edit the film and who was going to create the soundtrack for the film so the lesson was a very important lesson so we could get all the roles out of the way and now start to think of how we are going to film and see how long it will take us to film the whole film. we discussed about what props we will need for the film. we also got to look at the equipment which were aloud to borough and help us film when we make our movie so that gave us an idea to help us see how we could change the camera angles we have now finished our planning and now we are starting the filming on tuesday and which we hopefully finish by the end of wednesday and then start editing the film and put it all together and see how it works out.![](
Thursday, 6 January 2011
questionnaire results action thriller
i had collected all the results from my classmates and created a pie chart and bar chart for the results and this blog post is to analyse the results that was given back to me. the results i was given i was not to surprised to what feedback i received the results and i thought they were what i expected in the first place so not to disappointed. all the films i asked that everyone went to see were all different films so that already made it look like that i was going to get a range of results to begin with but nearly all the question were answered the same and shows that they were all the same and not a lot of difference between the answers. the poster that received the best feedback was poster 2 and i also thought that poster 2 was the best one i came with because it shows the main character and what the films all about and shows the emotion in the character and gives the audience to think that the film is a action film and i also wanted to have the poster show that it will sand out from the rest and really show that this is not your ordinary action thriller film but a film that can change the ways of a action thriller and the questionnaire shows that it is important if the poster is well presented and would influence people to go and see the film so which is a big importance when making the film poster.
i have had a few suggestions about poster 3 that it was a bit boring and dull and doesn't show what the films about but i wanted to show was that it would be a first poster to get people interested into what the film is about and then release another so i felt maybe i didn't show that it would not be the final poster but a teaser poster also another was not having blood to show that it is a action thriller so maybe that's an area i could focus on. poster 1 did get a few as well as they thought it didn't explain the film but poster 2 didn't get any so that was a clear indication that it was obviously the best poster out of the three so that would the poster i would continue with. again maybe poster 3 i should of maybe but a little more detail to maybe to show there is more action thriller film so people can get a good idea of what the film is about. in summary the results were very positive and showed that the poster 2 would get people to go see this movie if were to come out. i also found that action films were also the most popular film seen recently in the cinema so that also help back up my results so it shows that most people do go and see a good action film.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Saatchi gallery
the Saatchi gallery is a London gallery for contemporary art, opened by Charles Saatchi in 1985. Saatchi born in 1943 in Baghdad was one of most well recognised advertising agencies in the world until he was forced out of business. in 1969 Saatchi brought his first art piece and it would then start his love for art in 1985 he created the Saatchi gallery to exhibit the art he had collected to the public. first in North London, then the south bank by the river Thames. and currently in Chelsea. the gallery has distinct phases starting with U.S artist and minimalism and the moving to young British artist. the latest art exhibition on at the Saatchi gallery is the newspeak British art now part 2 the show is all about up and coming British artist the show are also being sent to Russia to be shown the exhibition also gives the incite into new modern art for British artist ![](
i chose the twelve pictures as i thought they really stood out from the rest to show what modern British is like my favorite pictures were from Luke Rudolph because they were very bright coloured pictures and stand out and really wanted to add it to the contact sheet and also i used one of his pictures to use as the background i also liked the works of Ansel Kurt is pictures shows cartoon like figures but using everyday items that stuck on peoples faces which is very weird but very interesting to look at for a person like me. all of the artist on her are part of the newspeak British art now which s showing all young British artist coming through and can display there work on show for people to see and recognise what they can do and for the future of there art get a head start into what they design next.
i chose the twelve pictures as i thought they really stood out from the rest to show what modern British is like my favorite pictures were from Luke Rudolph because they were very bright coloured pictures and stand out and really wanted to add it to the contact sheet and also i used one of his pictures to use as the background i also liked the works of Ansel Kurt is pictures shows cartoon like figures but using everyday items that stuck on peoples faces which is very weird but very interesting to look at for a person like me. all of the artist on her are part of the newspeak British art now which s showing all young British artist coming through and can display there work on show for people to see and recognise what they can do and for the future of there art get a head start into what they design next.
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