Thursday, 6 January 2011

questionnaire results action thriller

i had collected all the results from my classmates and created a pie chart and bar chart for the results and this blog post is to analyse the results that was given back to me. the results i was given i was not to surprised to what feedback i received the results and i thought they were what i expected in the first place so not to disappointed. all the films i asked that everyone went to see were all different films so that already made it look like that i was going to get a range of results to begin with but nearly all the question were answered the same and shows that they were all the same and not a lot of difference between the answers. the poster that received the best feedback was poster 2 and i also thought that poster 2 was the best one i came with because it shows the main character and what the films all about and shows the emotion in the character and gives the audience to think that the film is a action film and i also wanted to have the poster show that it will sand out from the rest and really show that this is not your ordinary action thriller film but a film that can change the ways of a action thriller and the questionnaire shows that it is important if the poster is well presented and would influence people to go and see the film so which is a big importance when making the film poster.

i have had a few suggestions about poster 3 that it was a bit boring and dull and doesn't show what the films about but i wanted to show was that it would be a first poster to get people interested into what the film is about and then release another so i felt maybe i didn't show that it would not be the final poster but a teaser poster also another was not having blood to show that it is a action thriller so maybe that's an area i could focus on. poster 1 did get a few as well as they thought it didn't explain the film but poster 2 didn't get any so that was a clear indication that it was obviously the best poster out of the three so that would the poster i would continue with. again maybe poster 3 i should of maybe but a little more detail to maybe to show there is more action thriller film so people can get a good idea of what the film is about. in summary the results were very positive and showed that the poster 2 would get people to go see this movie if were to come out. i also found that action films were also the most popular film seen recently in the cinema so that also help back up my results so it shows that most people do go and see a good action film.

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